Hey, where’d you go?

I wonder if anyone asked this question about my little ol’ blog? I know I did! I just….dunno, lost inspiration, found it to be a hassle, got overwhelmed with the move, got really “into” The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying & Konmari-style sorting through my stuff, etc, etc. I didn’t really stop creating, but I allowed myself quite a long break in both my written & art journals, knowing that I’d eventually find my way back to both.

This is my firstborn cat, Bean. He's pretty introspective, too.
This is my firstborn cat, Bean. He’s pretty introspective, too.

And I did. So now I’m back with a few things to share, including my (late) New Year’s resolution: To be more of a finisher. I was reading World of Quilts by Cassandra Ellis and a quote that really popped out at me is that she’s passionate about doing rather than perfecting. I think that’s a most excellent philosophy, and I’m going to try to put it into practice in 2016. My list of unfinished projects is long, but my list of finished projects is growing, and I can’t wait to share them here!

See you soon, friends!
